How Much To Buy an Australian Dropship Store?

drop shipping Nov 16, 2021

How Much To Buy an Australian Dropship Store?


In this post we cover how to value an Australian dropship store. We cover how to get a valuation of an Australian dropship store. We also cover what are the key steps to buying a dropship store. Basically how much to pay for an Australian dropship store.


Whether you're considering opening your own online store, or you're simply curious how much potential there is in this form of entrepreneurship, it's important to understand the value of drop shipping stores. This post will cover everything you need to know about ecommerce valuation and show you some examples of the price tags these businesses carry.


There are 6 main factors to consider when valuing an ecommerce business.


1. The age of the store & the amount of time it has been in business

This is important because a business that has been in operation for a longer period of time will have a larger customer base, and customers are potential buyers to you....

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Keep Going No Matter What!!!

drop shipping motivation Nov 11, 2021

In this post, I want to keep this short and sweet. I'm going to talk about the need to keep pushing forward in our ecommerce business no matter what the challenges and obstacles that come.


We all know that in any venture there will be ups and downs, but when you're in the middle of the downfall, it's not always easy to see that if you just keep pushing forward. It's here where I want to share my thoughts on chasing your dreams.


Chasing our dreams must be one of the hardest things we ever do in life, but at the same time it's also necessary to do this for us to keep moving forward.


We all know that sometimes chasing our dreams can be very challenging because at times it can seem like no matter what we try it never seems like things are not going to work out for us.


Many times when this happens we get frustrated and stop. However, if we just keep pursuing what we want in life, the stars will align and things will work out for us in the end trust me.


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Can Drop Shipping Make You Rich?

drop shipping Nov 09, 2021

Can Drop Shipping Make You Rich?


This is one of the most common questions I get, so today I'll be answering it. I'm going to answer the question based on my own experience so you can understand why I have made the decisions that have led me to this point in my life, but remember that there are always risks when doing anything. 


So really quickly what is drop shipping? Drop shipping is a fulfillment method, where instead of buying products from companies you do not own and reselling them yourself, you source goods from other companies (wholesalers) and sell them through your website (dropshipping) to you customers.


So what does it actually take to be a successful dropshipper? Well let's break it down...


1. Get your mindset right and set your GOALS

If you want to be a successful online entrepreneur then you need to have the right mindset and set yourself the right goals. You can't get anywhere if you don't know where you're going, so you need to decide...

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10 Hot High Ticket Drop Shipping Products For 2022

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2021

10 Hot High Ticket Drop Shipping Products For 2022


In this post I want to cover the 10 hottest high ticket Australian drop shipping products to sell in 2022. In the following paragraphs I will detail some of the Australian products that have been generating a lot of momentum in 2021 and also those that are forecasted to generate an increased amount of revenue in 2022.


These are in no particular order so with no further ado here are the top 10 hot high ticket drop shipping products for 2022.


1 . High Quality Kids Furniture

The first hot high ticket drop shipping product that made the list is for kids furniture. Like any niche you need to be selective with your niche selection and this is no exception. We have found that the best way to target our market is to look at the trends in parenting as a whole as well as how much parents are willing to spend on their kids (which is huge amounts).


2. Home Fitness Equipment

With everything that is happening in the...

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7 Things You Need To Know Before Selling On Shopify

drop shipping shopify Nov 04, 2021

7 Things You Need To Know Before Selling On Shopify


In this post we outline the main ingredients to making your Shopify business a success. But before you can do that, you should know these 7 things. From setting up your account to pricing items and knowing how to keep them competitive, this is the necessary checklist for any Shopify store out there.


1. Take advantage of Shopify's free trial offer

If you're new to selling online, Shopify's 14 day free trial is a great way for you to test the waters without having to spend a cent. If you decide to, after the 14 day free trial, later you can think about making the investment in shopify's plans and take the business forward. However you'll get to use Shopify's full array of features, which are designed to help you sell more products and increase your ROI.


2. Shopify's plans and pricing

Shopify offers four different plans that you can choose from depending on your business needs and budget: Basic Shopify, Shopify,...

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Is The Digital Nomad Dream Still Alive In 2022?

drop shipping Nov 02, 2021

Is The Digital Nomad Dream Still Alive?


It’s been a few years since I wrote about being a digital nomad, I still travel the world and live a life based on experiences. But, the question that is on my mind is: 'Is it still viable to run an online business as a digital nomad?'


For those of you in the know, living as a digital nomad carries with it endless benefits. You can be wherever you want to be, set your own hours and work around your lifestyle. It’s the ultimate way to do business.


At one point it was common for people to aspire to be a digital nomad, but recently there has been a shift in opinion, with articles like 'Is working remotely still relevant?' 'Is working remotely still a good idea?' and 'Remote work is too distracting'.


This statement caught my eye and actually inspired me to write this post "You can't build an entrepreneurial empire whilst living out of a suitcase".


I looked over my own business, how I have grown it and...

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Mental Toughness - Do You Have What It Takes To Build A Successful Dropship Business?

mindset Oct 30, 2021

Mental Toughness - Do You Have What It Takes To Build A Successful Drop Shipping Business?


In this post, I want to cover what it takes to be successful in drop shipping and the mental toughness that is required to keep pushing when things are hard. I want to list 5 ways you must know to control your thoughts and focus.


What is mental toughness at the end of the day?


Mental toughness is a form of resilience that helps you bounce back from the obstacles you encounter. There are an abundance of obstacles to overcome, but it's how you respond to those obstacles that determines your success or failure.


It is the ability to be aware of your own thoughts and emotions as well as those around you so as not to lose focus on your goals as you successfully navigate what lies ahead.


So here are 5 ways I think you must know to control your thoughts, focus and to build mental toughness overtime.


1. Control Negative Thinking


Negative thoughts...

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Top 6 Ways To Advertise Your New Australian Dropship Store

Top 6 Ways To Advertise Your New Australian Dropship Store 

In this post, I want to share with the current top 6 best platforms to advertise and promote a new drop shipping store. I'll be giving you my thoughts on why they are the best, what makes them unique, and what kind of results they can bring to your store. 


Let's get started!

1. Facebook Ads


Facebook is second only to Google as the most popular social media platform with over 1.71 billion active users. You can’t miss this opportunity to advertise your new store on this outstanding platform.


Facebook offers one of the most cost effective advertisement options for e-commerce business. When compared to other platforms, Facebook has one of the lowest cost per click (CPC), especially for mobile advertisement. You can achieve your campaign goals while spending less to achieve them. That’s why even small dropship stores are choosing to advertise on Facebook rather than elsewhere. 


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SEO For Drop Shipping - 5 Tips For Success

drop shipping seo Oct 26, 2021

SEO For Drop Shipping - 5 Tips For Success


As an online retailer, it's important to know how search engine optimisation (SEO) can help you promote your products and drive more sales.

In this article I'm going to be talking about how you can use content optimisation, link building, social signals, SEO basics and more to drive traffic to your drop shipping store.


1. Content

When it comes to SEO, the most important thing you can do for your website is to publish high quality, unique and useful content. This doesn't mean that you need to only create content that only uses the exact keywords you're targeting for your products. Instead, understand what people are actually searching for in relation to your niche and create content around these topics. You can use Keyword Planner or Google Trends to find out exactly which keywords people are looking for in relation to your niche.

To make your content stand out from the crowd, you need to make sure that it is clear, concise and...

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7 Benefits Of Using Shopify For Drop Shipping in 2022.

drop shipping shopify Oct 23, 2021

7 Benefits Of Using Shopify For Drop Shipping in 2022.


In this post, I want to share the top 7 benefits of using the Shopify platform to start a drop shipping store in 2022.


Shopify is an ecommerce platform that is incredibly flexible, mobile-friendly, and affordable for just about any type of business. It takes less than an hour to set up a free Shopify account.


1. Customize Your Website To Fit Your Personality

To be honest, the first thing you see when you first visit a website is the design. As a business owner, you probably don't want to waste your time playing with images and layouts. You want to focus on building up your store content.

Shopify lets you completely customize how your pages look using themes. There are thousands of themes available. You can even download custom fonts, create special effects with images, or build drop down menus with the drag and drop editor. All of this is great for branding your business without having to hire a designer.


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