drop shipping motivation May 03, 2022



Struggling for motivation? In this blog post, I want to cover the our top 10 business motivation books of all time and give you an overview of each one. If your current motivation levels need a little extra oomph, then these ten books could be just what you need to get yourself back on track.


I have read most of these books more than once. All of them are actionable, insightful and applicable to day to day business tasks. They have helped me in one way or another take control of my life and put businesses on the right path for more than 20 years now.


So with no further ado, here are my top 10 business motivation books of all time.


1. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Some would argue that this book is the greatest self-help book of all time. It has sold over 100 million copies since its original publication in 1937. It contains 13 principles that you can use to help you achieve successive steps toward your...

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mindset motivation Apr 29, 2022



In this post I want to share what the difference is between a Solopreneur and an Entrepreneur and the cover the pros and cons of each. Most people fall into one category or the other, but many people may find themselves further in-between.


The term “solopreneur” is becoming more and more popular. As we go through a global recession, many people find themselves having to work at home and alone. In this post I would like to address the difference between the two most common types of entrepreneurs, the solopreneur and the entrepreneur.


What separates a solopreneur from an entrepreneur is:


A solopreneur is only one person eg YOU. This person does all of the work, the research, product management, writing and editing, customer service etc. It’s all done by one person. This gives the business a low overhead cost, which means more of the money can be re-invested into growing the business. In a way, this...

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Keep Going No Matter What!!!

drop shipping motivation Nov 11, 2021

In this post, I want to keep this short and sweet. I'm going to talk about the need to keep pushing forward in our ecommerce business no matter what the challenges and obstacles that come.


We all know that in any venture there will be ups and downs, but when you're in the middle of the downfall, it's not always easy to see that if you just keep pushing forward. It's here where I want to share my thoughts on chasing your dreams.


Chasing our dreams must be one of the hardest things we ever do in life, but at the same time it's also necessary to do this for us to keep moving forward.


We all know that sometimes chasing our dreams can be very challenging because at times it can seem like no matter what we try it never seems like things are not going to work out for us.


Many times when this happens we get frustrated and stop. However, if we just keep pursuing what we want in life, the stars will align and things will work out for us in the end trust me.


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How To Stay Motivated When Everyone Else Is Living In Fear?

drop shipping motivation Oct 19, 2021

We are living in interesting times. With everything that's going on in the world it can be hard to stay motivated when almost everyone else is living in fear of the current unknown. Fear can greatly take over your life and prevent you from reaching your potential. Fear kills motivation and motivation is key to success.


I want to share 10 tips with you about how to stay motivated throughout these times so that you can reach your goals instead of listening to the negativity in the world around us.


1. Write Down Your Dream And What You Want To Achieve With This Business

If you haven't already, write down what it is that you want to achieve with your ecommerce business. More importantly, write down why you started this business in the first place. It's important to remember why you started this business because when you get caught up in all the little things that cause fear or worry, it's easy to lose sight of what your goal is.

Make sure your list contains what it is that...

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Ecommerce Mindset - Will You Succeed?

drop shipping motivation Sep 23, 2021

 Ecommerce Mindset - Will You Succeed Or Fail?


Mindset may just be the most important part of running a successful ecommerce business, in this post we will cover the 11 most powerful mindset principles that will allow you to create a successful business.


In today's digital world, it's more important than ever before to understand and develop your personal mindset. You need a strong mental framework for success in order to achieve whatever goals you're working towards. I'm not just talking about making sure you "think positive" - I'm talking about cultivating skills like self-compassion, courage, and gratitude in daily life so that you can thrive in business and beyond.


A healthy mindset comes from all corners of life. Whether you're in school, at work, or in your own personal life, the following principles will ensure that your mindset is healthy and your goals are achievable.


When you apply these principles to your daily life, you'll find that...

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7 Traits Of A Successful Online Entrepreneur - Do You Have Them?

drop shipping motivation Sep 17, 2021

In this post, you will learn what it takes for a successful entrepreneur to run a successful online business. I want to help you break free from your 9-5, day in and day out with the same old grind. You deserve more! So, you need to take charge of your future and start down the path I am about to share with you. Ok, let's get started.

Many successful entrepreneurs are on the internet, but a lot of these online businesses fail or become too competitive. These seven traits will help you avoid those mistakes. You can then build a successful business: something that will make all your hard work worthwhile.

Let's begin! 7 Traits Of A Successful Online Entrepreneur.

1. Passion: Starting an online business has been my dream for a long time. It was always on my mind. I wanted to work from home or from anywhere else. I was sick of working for someone else, and I wasn't willing to take a salary just to pay the bills anymore.

But it is even better than that and more rewarding than all the jobs...

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Focus On What You Can Control

drop shipping motivation Sep 14, 2021

Focus On What You Can Control


Having a good day has everything to do with how you focus your attention. You can't control life or business, but you can control your focus. When you start focusing on what you don't have, it's only natural that your day will go downhill . Conversely, if you only focus on what's in front of you, then that's what will change.


Stuck here on earth for an extended period of time, you really only have three existential traits you can control: your vision, your values, and your focus. Given these constraints of time and space, the only thing you can focus on is what's in front of you. You can't control the past or the future, but you can decide what to focus on today. You can't control what your competitors are doing or not doing, but you can control your focus. You don't have the authority to change others, but you do have the power to change how they affect you by choosing to focus on what you can control.


Stephen Covey struck a chord...

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