How Bad Do You Really Want It?

dropship mindset Jun 13, 2022

That It’s not enough to want something in order to be successful: you need to be completely committed and willing to sacrifice everything.


Do you want it? Do you really, really want it? Yes, Maybe, No?


If you’re going to be successful then you need to acknowledge that this is going to take a tremendous amount of work. It’s going to take a commitment. It’s going to be a lifestyle change. It’s going to require sacrifice and you have to be willing to live this new life.


Successful people are driven. They find a niche and delve into it until they’re a master of their craft. And then they continue to do this over and over again. There’s no finish line, there’s no safe haven. The only respite from the grind is quitting – and that’s not for everyone.


When you get into this ecommerce, you had better get used to enjoying the daily grind even if it’s just for a little bit. Those who are operating...

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mindset motivation Apr 29, 2022



In this post I want to share what the difference is between a Solopreneur and an Entrepreneur and the cover the pros and cons of each. Most people fall into one category or the other, but many people may find themselves further in-between.


The term “solopreneur” is becoming more and more popular. As we go through a global recession, many people find themselves having to work at home and alone. In this post I would like to address the difference between the two most common types of entrepreneurs, the solopreneur and the entrepreneur.


What separates a solopreneur from an entrepreneur is:


A solopreneur is only one person eg YOU. This person does all of the work, the research, product management, writing and editing, customer service etc. It’s all done by one person. This gives the business a low overhead cost, which means more of the money can be re-invested into growing the business. In a way, this...

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Mental Toughness - Do You Have What It Takes To Build A Successful Dropship Business?

mindset Oct 30, 2021

Mental Toughness - Do You Have What It Takes To Build A Successful Drop Shipping Business?


In this post, I want to cover what it takes to be successful in drop shipping and the mental toughness that is required to keep pushing when things are hard. I want to list 5 ways you must know to control your thoughts and focus.


What is mental toughness at the end of the day?


Mental toughness is a form of resilience that helps you bounce back from the obstacles you encounter. There are an abundance of obstacles to overcome, but it's how you respond to those obstacles that determines your success or failure.


It is the ability to be aware of your own thoughts and emotions as well as those around you so as not to lose focus on your goals as you successfully navigate what lies ahead.


So here are 5 ways I think you must know to control your thoughts, focus and to build mental toughness overtime.


1. Control Negative Thinking


Negative thoughts...

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