Mental Toughness - Do You Have What It Takes To Build A Successful Dropship Business?

mindset Oct 30, 2021

Mental Toughness - Do You Have What It Takes To Build A Successful Drop Shipping Business?


In this post, I want to cover what it takes to be successful in drop shipping and the mental toughness that is required to keep pushing when things are hard. I want to list 5 ways you must know to control your thoughts and focus.


What is mental toughness at the end of the day?


Mental toughness is a form of resilience that helps you bounce back from the obstacles you encounter. There are an abundance of obstacles to overcome, but it's how you respond to those obstacles that determines your success or failure.


It is the ability to be aware of your own thoughts and emotions as well as those around you so as not to lose focus on your goals as you successfully navigate what lies ahead.


So here are 5 ways I think you must know to control your thoughts, focus and to build mental toughness overtime.


1. Control Negative Thinking


Negative thoughts can be a huge stumbling block for many. In fact, most people have a tendency to focus on this type of thinking when times get tough. I believe that most of us have been told from a very young age to always look on the bright side, Right? So why do we accept having negative thinking as being normal as we get older?.


The most successful people in this world are the ones that learn how to overcome their negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. Successful people do not spend their time and energy focusing on what they don't have or some random person's opinion. Instead, they focus on how to overcome those negative thoughts and move forward.


Think about it - if you're focusing on what is wrong rather than what can go right, you're inviting negative energy into your life. It is really that simple energy flows in any direction you allow it to go.


2. Have a strict routine


Stick to a strict routine, work, fitness, eating healthy and relaxation this all requires mental toughness and discipline. Regardless of the positive or negative outcomes, your routines are one of the things you can control. The less time you have on your hands, the less time there is for negativity to seep in


A routine also improves productivity and focus. When you start your day each morning, you're already set to go and energised for the day ahead of you. This helps keep the negative thinking to a minimum as well as improving overall performance and productivity of your time.


3. Be Independent


Being independent gives you a sense of freedom and the feeling of doing something on your own rather than relying on someone else. Self reliance is a huge aspect in being mentally tough. How many times have you been told to rely on others, but at the end of the day, you're still dependent? It's really important to understand that you'll never be truly independent until you learn to be self reliant.


Be strong and avoid dependence with most importantly your mindset. I'm not saying become a hermit, but learning to be self reliant creates an inner feeling of confidence and self worth. This allows you to communicate more freely and opens the door for many opportunities in life.


4. Develop a system


It is important to develop a system that works and stay focused. Positive thinking and positive thoughts rely on having a well thought out plan in place before you can implement it into your daily habits. It takes discipline to stick to a system.


With this, you can focus your energy on what is in front of you rather than worrying about the things that are not under your control. Focusing on systems allows you to be present in the moment instead of worrying about what happened yesterday or what is going to happen tomorrow.


5. Steady persistent action


Keep pushing forward with steady, persistent action even when things get tough. This means that you continue moving forward regardless of where you are or how hard it gets. You stay focused on your goals, no matter how much it hurts to continue, and regardless of the naysayers around you.


This type of action requires a lot of mental toughness and discipline. It will also require a ton of self confidence and self assurance because you must believe that what you're doing is right regardless if people around you think otherwise.


BONUS. Learn To Say NO


It's always easier to say "yes". It's like a drug that seems to make you feel that you're getting ahead and succeeding. You'll talk yourself into saying "yes" for short term gains and then regret it at the end of the day.


Let me be clear about this point, saying "no" is hard work. Saying "no" to friends and family, saying "no" to your boss, and most importantly saying "no" to yourself. Saying "no" to an opportunity or an invitation will make you feel guilty.


Mentally tough people are willing to make sacrifices for what they believe in. Remember your dreams are not written in sand; they're written in stone. Nothing is more important than focusing on them every day and making decisions that match up with those goals.


In Conclusion


Mental toughness is one of the hardest things to build. The key to mastering mental toughness is to practice doing the uncomfortable things each and every day.


They are present in many situations. They're not just reserved for success or failure, they're everywhere you go. They are the foundation that will help you achieve your goals faster, better and more often than you thought possible.


Hope you got some value out of this post, if you would like to learn more about building your own Australian drop shipping store feel free to check out our FREE Aussie dropship training here.


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