How Bad Do You Really Want It?

dropship mindset Jun 13, 2022

That It’s not enough to want something in order to be successful: you need to be completely committed and willing to sacrifice everything.


Do you want it? Do you really, really want it? Yes, Maybe, No?


If you’re going to be successful then you need to acknowledge that this is going to take a tremendous amount of work. It’s going to take a commitment. It’s going to be a lifestyle change. It’s going to require sacrifice and you have to be willing to live this new life.


Successful people are driven. They find a niche and delve into it until they’re a master of their craft. And then they continue to do this over and over again. There’s no finish line, there’s no safe haven. The only respite from the grind is quitting – and that’s not for everyone.


When you get into this ecommerce, you had better get used to enjoying the daily grind even if it’s just for a little bit. Those who are operating JUST for the financial gain will be miserable because this takes hours of work every day and they won't be able to keep the momentum.


[QUICK NOTE] If you would like to learn more about drop shipping in Australia check out our FREE Australian dropship training where we share with you step by step how to get started today!


If you don’t really want it 100% and willing to go all in, then let just be honest it’s not going to happen. Without that feeling of passion, without that feeling of desire and motivation, there’s no way you’re going to make the sacrifices that need to be made. You may as well give up on your dreams now and do something else with your life because the chances of making the kind of money we’re talking about are slim – very slim – indeed.


If you want to be successful, if you want to take the road less traveled, you’ve got to be hungry for it. You have to have a desire so intense that distractions melt away. You have to have a vision so clear that the naysayers can do nothing but stare. You have to see yourself as a king, a queen – a ruler – because only those who see themselves as exceptional will ever achieve that kind of status.


Now with all that said here is a few tips to think about as you move forward into your ecommerce journey.


Focus on the task at hand. This means you have to be in the moment. When you’re dreaming big, you must always be in the present. You can’t let yourself wander off into dreams of what could be if only things would go your way.


There is no room for failure when it comes to making money online so all excitement has to be directed into that which can help you succeed in this endeavour. You will likely be investing thousands of dollars at a time so you had better be completely focused on your strategy.


Set small goals. Don’t try to accomplish all of your dreams in one shot. Instead, break it down into small pieces that, over time, will result in the same outcome. You can’t become a millionaire overnight or even within a few months at times.


You have to take it one goal at a time. One day you will wake up and realize that you have achieved your dreams of financial freedom. But until then, you must set a goal each day and then work toward that daily.


Be a sponge. This means you must be open to learning from others who have had success before you. You can’t get sucked into thinking that there is only one way to do things because what works for someone else may not work for you.


You must be willing to learn from all of the outside influences that you come in contact with. I recommend you look into Mindvalley for this they are high level mentors and can be real game changers.


Take massive action on what you’ve learned. Now that you have mastered the knowledge, you can take your knowledge and apply it to your daily routine. You have to take action so that you do what is being taught to you.


Be willing to put in the work so that it becomes second nature for you. This isn’t about taking shortcuts; this is about doing things right. Just don’t get lazy because if you do there’s no way for this to work out in your best interest.


Don’t be afraid to fail. If you want to be successful then failure is an essential part of the process. You can’t get there without failure because that’s the only way you know how to better yourself. Learn from failure and then apply that knowledge in your life. Failure can even be good because it shows you what doesn’t work for you and forces you to change for the better.


Don’t quit when things get tough. The obstacles in front of you won’t just dissolve. They’re figured out over time, but they’re nothing that can’t be overcome with hard work. You will struggle in this business for years if not for life.


If you give up, the only thing that will happen is that you’ll keep doing the same things and not see much improvement at all, if any at all.


Don’t care what people say about you. They’ll tell unkind things but don’t let them get to you. You must learn to ignore the naysayers and stop listening to what they have to say. The only thing you can do is ignore them and move forward with your plans.


You don’t need a degree in business or marketing in order for you to succeed. You can learn it all on your own by gaining knowledge and then applying that knowledge to your daily routine.


What you really need is an entrepreneurial spirit, the ability to think outside of the box, and the willingness to put in the hard work so that you can see yourself as a success story after many years of struggle.


The sky’s the limit for those who are willing to give this ecommerce a real go. If you want it bad enough, you will get it. The only thing that can stop you is you. Make it come true and make your dreams come true. What are you waiting for? Get started NOW….


Hope you got some value out of this post. Please share it if you did and if you have any thoughts or suggestions feel free to comment below


Again, If you would like to learn more about drop shipping in Australia check out our FREE Australian dropship training where we share with you step by step how to get started today!


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