6 Secret FREE Places To Advertise Australian Dropship Products 2023

advertising drop shipping Oct 06, 2022

6 Secret FREE Places To Advertise Australian Dropship Products 2023


In this post, we have compiled a list of my top 6 secret places to sell dropship products. Learn what is best for you from a variety of platforms and marketplace channels. These are powerful tools for driving traffic to your drop shipping stores and the best part is they are free.


These different platforms I have tested over the years and still use to this day, They have made my drop shipping stores hundreds of thousands of dollars. So with no further ado let me share with you my top 5 secret places to sell dropship products in Australia.


1. Gumtree Australia

Gumtree is a free advertising site letting people buy, sell and even advertise services. I use Gumtree a lot as it has a huge user base targeting those who are serious about buying and selling their products.

Gumtree Australia has very strong buyer's intent, so that is why it makes it one of my favourite places to sell dropship...

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Top 6 Ways To Advertise Your New Australian Dropship Store

Top 6 Ways To Advertise Your New Australian Dropship Store 

In this post, I want to share with the current top 6 best platforms to advertise and promote a new drop shipping store. I'll be giving you my thoughts on why they are the best, what makes them unique, and what kind of results they can bring to your store. 


Let's get started!

1. Facebook Ads


Facebook is second only to Google as the most popular social media platform with over 1.71 billion active users. You can’t miss this opportunity to advertise your new store on this outstanding platform.


Facebook offers one of the most cost effective advertisement options for e-commerce business. When compared to other platforms, Facebook has one of the lowest cost per click (CPC), especially for mobile advertisement. You can achieve your campaign goals while spending less to achieve them. That’s why even small dropship stores are choosing to advertise on Facebook rather than elsewhere. 


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