8 Tips On Providing Great Customer Service For Ecommerce

8 Tips On Providing Great Customer Service For Ecommerce


In this post, I will be sharing 8 tips to providing great customer service for your ecommerce store. This post is intended for retailers of all sizes who want their customers to experience a higher level of satisfaction with their purchases.


If you are a professional website marketer, then you have probably heard of the "Rule of Two". This rule states that a customer will leave your business if you let them experience more than one poor experience with you in any two-week period.


The thinking behind this rule is simple: No one wants to deal with a company that consistently doesn't deliver on their promises, or who treats their customers like potential enemies.


With this in mind, it's important to make sure that you are thinking about your customers every step of the way! Here is my list of 8 best tips to provide great customer service for your ecommerce store.


1. Find And Hire Awesome Customer Service Reps.

The quality of customer service for your store has a direct impact on whether or not customers will continually shop with you.

The top customers will tell their friends about your store, and the bottom customers will warn their friends when they run into issues with your business.

You can create a positive experience for your customers by hiring staff who are knowledgeable and friendly. However, this is an ongoing process that requires constant training and feedback from your employees.


2. Treat Your Customers Like People.

It's easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day tasks of running your business, but it's also important to remember that your customers are people, too! Don't use them as a source of income – they will leave you if they feel like you are using them as a cash cow.

Try to make your customers feel like true members of your team. Ask about their kids' school, their favorite sports team or what movies they've seen recently. Getting to know your customers on a more personal level helps you provide better customer service, which leads to happier customers.


3. Communicate With Your Customers Regularly.

It's important to follow up with customers throughout their entire experience with your store, but don't overdo it! Some retailers send emails every time there is an update, even when the updates are not relevant or interesting to their customers.

You want your customers to trust you like they would a good friend, so be picky about what you send to them. (Pro Tip: Before sending an email to your customer list, make sure that the subject line is clear and interesting!)

Sending a quick email to touch base is a great way to let customers know that you care about their satisfaction. Communicate with them often, but try not to overload them with information.


4. Show Someone Personal Attention.

Providing great customer service can be a time-consuming process, and it takes a lot of dedicated work. It also takes energy from you that you could be using to increase your sales.

It can be difficult to know where to start with customer service. Feeling overwhelmed? Here are some low-cost ways that you can make a difference for your customers: 1) Answer any email within minutes of receipt; 2) Research products before they arrive in the mail; 3) Leave positive comments on Facebook, Yelp Etc..


5. Show Concern With Your Customers.

If you are providing great customer service, then your customers' problems will be solved! However, if you treat your customers like they're not important, then you will lose their trust. So don't shy away from helping people out with whatever is going on in their lives, even if it's something small like a lost job or an inconvenient issue with a product.

Making sure that your customers feel that they're being cared for is a great way to ensure that they will recommend you to others. This type of customer service, combined with the previous tip, helps to build a reputation in the minds of your customers.


6. Keep Your Customers Happy (And Sell More Products).

No matter what business you operate, the key to success is figuring out how to make money from each customer. If you go out of your way to provide great service, but don't charge for it, then you're not getting paid.

The best way to do this is to have something meaningful for each customer that they can't get elsewhere. That way they'll keep coming back and recommend your store to others – even though they don't need another item!


7. Take Feedback Good And Hard.

People who are loyal to your business won't want to give you feedback. You don't want to hear that you're doing a bad job, or that your store sucks. However, the best way to implement changes is by taking the time to listen to how your customers feel about your business.


8. Stay Connected And Authentic to Your Customers.

Your customers will appreciate the efforts that you put into providing great customer service. However, if you do it just for the money, they will see right through it!

They can feel when someone is being inauthentic, and those situations can easily turn into a negative experience. So be genuine about your desire to make people happy with what you're doing! The more authentic you are, the better the results.


Conclusion: Best Practices For Great Customer Service


By making a conscious effort to provide great customer service, you'll set yourself apart from other ecommerce stores. You won't be able to eliminate all of the bad experiences that are bound to happen in your business, but you will be able to minimize them significantly.


There is a fine line between providing great service and going overboard – it's important for you to monitor this situation closely as your business grows.


One of the best ways to maintain great customer service is to consult a professional. However, it's also important to take action on you own so that you can learn from your mistakes.


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