In this article, we will explore the process of strategic planning, how to plan your business strategy, and what tools you can use to get started.


Strategic planning is a deliberate process for setting goals and creating a framework for executing them. This approach is used by businesses to create or advance their competitive advantage in the marketplace over time.


A business without a strategy is like navigating a ship without navigation instruments to tell where it’s going, where it has been, or if it’s off course. Business strategy provides the framework for making important decisions. It serves as a guide for businesses to chart their direction and navigate through change.


Strategic planning is essential because it compels businesses to consider the environment in which they operate, set objectives, and formulate actions designed to achieve these objectives.


In the ecommerce industry, strategic planning has become an essential tool for ensuring that online businesses run efficiently and are able to adapt their strategies to changing market conditions. It can help businesses focus on growth over time and adjust their strategies in line with that growth.


Strategic planning is not a simple process. Planning is hard work and requires a methodical analysis of different points in the ecommerce business lifecycle. In this article, we will explore the process of strategic planning, how to plan your business strategy, and what tools you can use to get started.


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The Purpose of Strategic Planning


Strategic planning is a way of thinking about your business in a long-term context. It is not an easy process, but it is necessary in order for businesses to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing market environment. The value of strategic planning cannot be overstated.


There are many different benefits of strategic planning. One of the best is that it helps you think about your business in a holistic way, as opposed to thinking about it in an isolated way. It provides a solid blueprint for your business in order to guide you throughout the lifecycle and ensure that your company is on a path towards success.


This ensures that the business is not constantly reacting to changes, but instead proactively determining where it wants to go and how it will get there. It is common for businesses to react to market changes and not have a clear plan in place, which can lead to missed opportunities.


Ecommerce businesses can also benefit from strategic planning with an overall structure that can be used to develop their marketing efforts. This is because it focuses the team on clearly defined objectives and goals, whilst also providing them with a roadmap to help them reach these objectives.


This make these goals and objectives attainable. And by taking action on the information that strategic planning provides, businesses can ensure that they are constantly making progress and moving towards success.


Strategic Planning and the Ecommerce Lifecycle

Ecommerce businesses usually go through a set lifecycle throughout their existence. There are three primary stages of growth that most businesses go through during their lifetimes – startup, scaling, maturity, and company decline.


Each stage requires a unique approach in order to sustain or grow the business. This is why it is so important for businesses to have a strategic plan in place that they can map their operations with. Over the years we have had help from Wise Business Plans, they have help take everything we do to the next level so feel free to check them out as well.


Stage 1 – Startup (1-5 years)

The first stage of the lifecycle is the startup phase. This is when a business only has a small number of employees and very little capital or resources, and whilst it may not be making much money yet, it should be generating revenue.


During this stage, businesses need to focus on building the foundations for the business: setting up the infrastructure, gaining market share, and establishing a strong brand. At this stage, revenue will not yet be a priority.


A business cannot afford to make mistakes at this point in time because it is still very much in its infancy. There is always a risk of failure and if the business does fail then it can take quite some time to get back on track again.


During this early stage in the lifecycle, a business can expect a lot of changes and transitions. This includes having its product developed, establishing a market share, and prioritising customer satisfaction.


Financial projections are often inaccurate at this stage as the startup costs are still unknown. The first year of a business is crucial because it can determine whether a business will survive or fail. If the product is successful, then this could mean that there is potential for future growth and profit.


Stage 2 – Scaling (5-10 years)


The second stage of growth is the scaling phase. This is when businesses start to grow their business by increasing its size, number of employees, and scale of operations. This involves investing in other products and services that will help grow the business, with revenue still being a priority.


During this stage of growth, businesses need to focus on making the business more efficient. This will enable it to scale and expand without having to worry about reductions in profitability as employees increase. This can be very beneficial to the business because it will be able to take advantage of economies of scale.


As a business increases in size, it needs to be able to manage its operations effectively and efficiently. This will ensure that there are no problems with quality control and that customers receive timely delivery and service.


There are many financial challenges that businesses face during this stage of growth, which include increasing costs, introducing new products, and managing workforce levels. If a business is unable to effectively manage these changes, then it could find itself in real trouble.


Stage 3 – Maturity (10-20 years)


The third stage in the lifecycle is the mature phase. Whilst this stage requires businesses to make significant revenue growth and profit increases, it also requires them to grow even further. As business costs increase, they also need to invest in new products and services that will help them sustain growth.


During this stage, businesses need to focus on planning for the future and making sure that they have a clear vision of where they are heading. It is important for businesses to plan for the future because this enables them to effectively manage their costs and revenue. This is necessary because if a business overextends itself, it could suffer from financial losses or miss out on opportunities.


To remain in the mature phase, businesses also need to ensure that they are able to meet their revenue targets and are making profits. If new innovations or product improvements are not made in this faze and profits are not being generated, then the business may struggle to maintain growth and start move into decline.


In Conclusion

A business must undergo strategic planning to ensure that it is always on track for the future. By identifying key drivers, a business can ensure that it is able to plan in advance for the future and make necessary decisions in order to maintain growth. Strategic planning enables a business to build ongoing success, providing it has the right vision and processes.


Hope you got some value from this article, do share your thought with us in the comments below. Also check out this another post you might find helpful about setting up your ecommerce business plan.


Again, If you would like to learn more about drop shipping in Australia check out our FREE Australian dropship training where we share with you step by step how to get started today!


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