The Truth About AliExpress & Facebook Ads Drop Shipping

Today I'm going to be talking about how dropshipping cheap AliExpress products with Facebook isn't really a real dropshipping business. Let me explain.

It is my belief that Aliexpress dropshipping with Facebook is just about selling one-off products, trying to find the angle, the niche, the product that's going to make you a million bucks. It's not a real business, at least in my opinion.

I know there are tons of people out there on the internet making big claims that they're making big bucks, and sure, it can be done. I'm not disputing that in any way, shape or form. You can treat it like a business but the thing with these products is that you're just always looking for the next big win.

You're not building an empire, you're not building a business up. You may be making a few bucks, but you're not building anything tangible or saleable. Let's take a look with an example of a brick-and-mortar business.

My brother and I used to run a direct sales and marketing company. We made tons of money by knocking on doors and selling the painted-on numbers on the side of the road to help emergency services and others find people's houses. We built an empire doing door-to-door sales.

At one point we had a hundred people knocking on doors at any one time. So if we didn't make any sales, we didn't make any money. It's similar to AliExpress. You don't get the product that day, you don't make any money.

We did this for years, we made tons of money, we did really well, and then life started to change a little bit. We had the money, but at the end of the day when we wanted to do something else, we realized that we didn't really have a business. It's not saleable, it was very hard to scale, and no one's going to necessarily want to buy it, because the minute everybody stops knocking on doors, no money is coming in.

You can't sell these websites that are based on a one-off product. They're not worth anything because once that product has run its course, it's over. You've got to try and find another product and advertise that. You're always scrambling.

With a real dropshipping business, you build your own e-commerce site through Shopify. You find your own suppliers, you build a community of regular customers or at least customers that are familiar with your business and website and refer you to others.

You can pick a really tight niche or a broad niche, but at the end of the day, you're

building something. You continue to build your reputation as you build your business, and at the end of it all you've got this nice consistent flow of ongoing sales, and the website is worth a lot of money.

You can get 20 to 30 times monthly net sales for your website. So, if you're doing five grand a month, you can sell that website for a hundred thousand dollars.

So if you're doing five grand net every single month, you've got an asset that's worth over a hundred thousand dollars. But if you do a hundred thousand in sales based on some random t-shirt or knick-knack, that's not a sustainable business.

I'm not saying you can't make money dropshipping with AliExpress, but I think you need to consider whether or not you just want to try to make a few bucks (and remember, only one or two percent are really doing big numbers). It's very tricky to become a Facebook expert and make the big bucks.

I highly recommend that you consider building real businesses based on the dropshipping model. It's worth it to build a sustainable business that you can hand off to your kids or your family or sell for a profit.

If you want to find out more about how to build the dropshipping stores that I'm talking about, head over to tons of resources over there.



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