Three Tips For Hiring a VA For Your Drop Shipping Business.

Uncategorized Apr 08, 2020

Greetings here from Dropship Downunder. Today, am going to give you three tips for hiring a VA for your dropshipping business. Let's dive in.


Alright. So, tip number one is to make sure that you've got a really detailed job description when you're actually doing the posting. Now, I like to work with Upwork. That’s where I hire a lot of freelancers or anything that I've got to get done for our business. I'm actually going through the process right now of hiring a few people for various jobs. And so that's what prompted this article and why I thought it just might give some sort of value to people that are looking to do it for the first time, and how we do it. Let's move on to the larger portion of the contract. So, here are my three tips, very simple. 


As I said, I was just going through the process of hiring a few people for our own business, so I thought you might get some value out of that if you are hiring for the first time. 


So, tip number one is having a really detailed job description and just making sure that the jobs are really well mapped out. It’s exactly what you want, how you want it to run, what operations they're going to need to perform, what you really expect from them on a day to day basis, because you don't want, down the track, for them to say, oh, look, I don't do that, or I don't do this, you never mentioned that I'd be doing that, and then you've sort of got to try and find another person to fill that part of the role if you still got a contract with them, and it can get a bit messy. So, I like to just make sure that it's really clear, what they're going to be doing. And like I said, it's all outlined in your really detailed job description.


Now to get reliable people, I find the best way to do this is step number two, which is to ask them to get on a call. Very simple. It's not hard to do, and it has to be sort of like a five to ten minutes chat on the phone, Skype, whatever it might be, but just make sure you get on a call when you speak to them. Now, this is a way that a whole heap of people, probably about 80% of people that apply for your job won't get on a call with you.


Now, that 80 % of the unreliable ones and the 20% to get on the call, know what they're doing and they’re going to be more reliable. So, that's what I found when I've been going through the process of hiring people. So, get on a call. 


Step number three is always give them some sort of a small task before you commit to a bigger contract. So, I usually say, for instance, if I want them to be building a Shopify store or just doing parts of it, I'll give them a smaller task like, say, upload these 10 products, I want these variants, I want to have these conditions on it, I want, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,


Give them a small task, see how they can play it. If they've got done it to your specifications and how long they've taken to do it, or whether it's been done on time or they've asked for extra time, it's always a bad sign. But if they complete the task in a timely manner, it's done how you want it, then you can usually be pretty certain that they will succeed in a larger role for you. 


We hope this helped you. with how to hire a VA. Don't forget to head over to to check out how we drop-ship right here in Australia if you're looking to get started right away today.


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