10 Hot High Ticket Drop Shipping Products For 2022

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2021

10 Hot High Ticket Drop Shipping Products For 2022


In this post I want to cover the 10 hottest high ticket Australian drop shipping products to sell in 2022. In the following paragraphs I will detail some of the Australian products that have been generating a lot of momentum in 2021 and also those that are forecasted to generate an increased amount of revenue in 2022.


These are in no particular order so with no further ado here are the top 10 hot high ticket drop shipping products for 2022.


1 . High Quality Kids Furniture

The first hot high ticket drop shipping product that made the list is for kids furniture. Like any niche you need to be selective with your niche selection and this is no exception. We have found that the best way to target our market is to look at the trends in parenting as a whole as well as how much parents are willing to spend on their kids (which is huge amounts).


2. Home Fitness Equipment

With everything that is happening in the world this niche is booming and we have already seen some new Australian drop shipping companies starting to sell fitness equipment and we expect this to continue into 2022 and beyond. I'll also note that there is a lot of money changing hands at the moment in this niche which leaves room for you to cash in also.


3. Home Office Furniture

The third product that is set to gain in popularity in the next couple of years is for home office furniture. The last two years have seen this niche start to trend upwards and we see no sign of it slowing down. It's one of the best niches to get into for Australian drop shippers because there are so many people searching for these products right now.


4. Home Theatre Systems

As technology becomes more advanced and people are trying to get the most out of their TVs, home theatre systems are becoming more popular again. It's not the cheapest niche to target but it's one that has a lot of money behind it so you can see why I've put it on this list.


5. Electric Bikes & Scooters

This is another niche that has shown that it has a lot of potential. While it's still early days for this niche there are already quite a few retailers starting to sell these products online and I expect this trend to continue into 2022. The best thing about electric bikes and scooters is that people are prepared to spend big on them because they increase the quality of their life by allowing them to travel quickly and easily over distance


6. 3D Printing

Last year saw a huge increase of interest for 3D printers and wit doesn't look like it's going to level off any time soon, it's a super interesting niche to consider. You will also see an increase in people wanting to learn how to use modelling software in the next few years so there is plenty of money to be in this niche.


7. High End Leather Accessories

The luxury leather accessories market is one that seems to be growing rapidly. With all of the marketing campaigns for these products and the fact that people are willing to spend a lot on this product, it's a great niche to get into. There is fantastic potential to make huge profits from this niche and I think it's worth considering for Australian drop shipping because of the number of people searching for these products online.


8. High End Camping Equipment

High end camping equipment is one of the most popular niches for Australian drop shippers. The reason for this is that it's a niche that has a huge amount of money behind it and people are willing to spend big money on high end equipment. Since Australia is such a big place this niche makes sense as we have lots of space and we like to go camping.


9. Drone Technology

Drone technology is one that has really gone crazy recently and we expect this trend to continue into the future as well. With the number of people getting aerial shots and videos for their business or family you can see why this niche has a lot of money behind it. If you want to grow your drop shipping business this is a great niche to consider.


10. Luxury Home Decor

This is the last hot high ticket drop shipping product that I want to cover for this year. Luxury home furnishings are something that many people are looking for these days and with the rise in popularity of Pinterest it makes sense why people are buying these products. It's not the cheapest niche to get into but if you know your market well you can make a lot of money.

As I mentioned at the start of this whole article these products aren't in any particular order and each one has its own unique characteristics. If you would like to find suppliers for some of these check out this blog post

So there you have it, these are 10 of my top picks for high ticket Australian drop shipping products for 2022 hope you enjoyed this post


Now if you would like to learn more about setting up your own Shopify drop shipping store in Australia, feel free to check out our FREE Australian dropship training here. It has 2 hours of fantastic info that will fast track everything you are working on now.


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